Strada Collinetta 25, CH 6612 Ascona tel +41 (0)91 786 96 00
Strada Collinetta 25, CH 6612 Ascona tel +41 (0)91 786 96 00


An Achieving a lot together

Our guiding principle

“…One alone does not help, but rather he who unites with others at the right time.”

This is how the old man with the lamp in J. W. Goethe’s fairy tale speaks of the green snake and the beautiful lily.

Current donations received: 40‘000.- CHF (at 26/01/2024) 

Our situation

We look back with satisfaction on the positive developments that Casa Andrea Cristoforo has undergone in recent years. The economic situation has eased, urgent structural renovation measures have been implemented, new partnerships have been established, a new medical concept with three doctors has been introduced and – what we are particularly pleased about – the Casa is widely perceived as a place of healing and recovery. From the feedback of our guests, who gratefully look back on their spa stay, we learn again and again how fruitful the medical, therapeutic and nursing work at Casa is and how much the intentions of Ita Wegman come into effects. At a time when healthcare is increasingly subject to technocratic regulation, we experience extensive individual freedom in our sphere of activity, which we consciously seize as an opportunity and use in the sense of the anthroposophical extended medicine. We create and design time and space to cultivate encounters, conversations and therapies and to enable sustainable healing processes. All this encourages us to expand and exploit the potential of Casa even better in the future – in view of the growing needs and the hardships of the time. Much will be possible from one’s own strength, others only with the support of friends.

Our call

With this personal call we hope to find 1000 people who will help to overcome the following challenges and initiate development steps. On the one hand, the installations at Casa are getting old and sometimes no longer meet the current state of the art in terms of energy efficiency, safety standards and hygiene regulations. Unavoidable renovations and new acquisitions must be planned and implemented with a certain urgency with regard to economic and ecological sustainability. Furthermore, the deliberately modest decor of our rooms with good quality and ecological materials must be partially renewed. Last but not least, the share of debt capital is to be further reduced in order to lower the still high interest burden and to hedge against future interest rate increases. The course of business does not allow the necessary provisions to be made.

We want to give a try!

It is not self-evident that people donate 1000 francs and it is certainly a great challenge to find 1000 people to support Casa. But if the enthusiasm for this wonderful place of healing and strengthening can flare up and be carried on from person to person, from friends to acquaintances and colleagues, the million could come about.

Your contribution

Share our concern and take part with 1000 people, then we look forward for receiving your transfer to the account below. We will be happy to send you a payment slip on request. Follow the development of the donation on our homepage under “Funding”.

Unsere Bankverbindung:
Freie Gemeinschaftsbank,
4001 Basel, PC-Kto.40-963-0
Freundeskreis Casa Andrea Cristoforo,
Strada Collinetta 25, CH-6612 Ascona
IBAN-Nr. CH48 0839 2000 0005 2865 0
Please indicate the purpose of payment.

Casa Andrea Cristoforo association is a recognised non-profit association and the donations can be deducted from taxable income. For further information on our 1000×1000 project, the situation of Casa Andrea Cristoforo in general or on detailed planning projects, etc., our managing director Sergio A. Gaiti is at your disposal.


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Casa Andrea Cristoforo by SuperNow

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