Strada Collinetta 25, CH 6612 Ascona tel +41 (0)91 786 96 00
Strada Collinetta 25, CH 6612 Ascona tel +41 (0)91 786 96 00


  • History of Casa Andrea Cristoforo

    Ita Wegman’s long-cherished concern, following a Rudolf
    Steiner’s suggestion, to found a health resort in the south of
    the Alps, aware that the climate and the granite soil in
    Ticino has a strong healing effect.

    In 1936 she succeeded in acquiring villa Schulthess for her
    therapeutic purposes. The house was built in 1931 by
    the famous architect Carlo Wiedermeyer in the Bauhau style.
    On the ground floor of the original house there were the rooms
    for a small wool weaving and dyeing workshop, while the
    family lived upstairs. Casa Andrea Cristoforo got its name
    from the two sons of the first owner family, Andrea and

    (Bild 1-3 zeigen das ursprüngliche Haus von Weidemeyer)

    Ita Wegman spent the last three years of her life (1940-1943) in Casa Andrea Cristoforo.
    “In this remote province, largely protected from the destructive world events of those years and permeated by special forces, Wegman developed a great work for the future, collecting, leading and encouraging people, in a healing and spiritual way, preparing them for the post-war period, which she lived with all the intensity of her existence.“ 1)

    In 1945, shortly after the war, the house was extended and received a gable roof instead of a flat roof. The house underwent further structural changes in 1954, when the side building was added.

    (Bild 4-6)

    Until 2003, the “Associazione Istituti Terapeutici” was the umbrella organization of both Casa Andrea Cristoforo and the social therapeutic “Istituto La Motta” in Brissago which was also founded by Ita Wegman. During the planning and implementation of the extended Casa, the two institutions become legally independent. However, they remain closely connected in their intentions and activities.

    In 2001, the existing building was closed for urgent renovation works and completely renewed according to building biology principles. The old building was complemented with a spacious extension characterised by a dynamically appealing architecture, which was inaugurated and opened in spring 2005 together with the renewed wing.


    1) 1) Peter Segel: The Last Three Years – Ita Wegman in Ascona 1940-1943. Natura-Verlag Im Verlag am Goetheanum. Dornach. 2004. ISBN 3-7235-1205-4


  • itawegman1910

    Ita Wegman (*1876  +1943)  um 1910 während ihrer Studienzeit in Zürich.  Foto: C. Ruf, Zürich

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