Strada Collinetta 25, CH 6612 Ascona tel +41 (0)91 786 96 00
Strada Collinetta 25, CH 6612 Ascona tel +41 (0)91 786 96 00


The medical team

In order to meet the needs of our guests and offer them specific medical care, Casa Andrea Cristoforo has doctors specialized in general internal medicine and anthroposophical psychotherapy.
All three doctors also completed their specialization in anthroposophical medicine.

The senior doctors, who bring a great deal of professional expertise and a high profile in their respective disciplines and who are responsible for the medical care, are supported by doctor Federica Tosi, who joined the medical team in January 2019.


  • FrauDr_Schulthess

    Marjolein Schulthess-Roozen Medicine Doctor

    Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum (FMH),
    Medical Specialist in Anthroposophical Extended Medicine (VAOAS), VAOAS/FMH

    CV Marjolein Schulthess-Roozen MD

  • schultehss

    Dr. Christoph Schulthess

    Specialist in General Internal Medicine Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum (FMH),
    Medical Specialist in Anthroposophical Extended Medicine (VAOAS), VAOAS/FMH

    CV Dr. med. Christoph Schulthess

  • Dr. Federica Tosi Bianda

    Specialist in Internal Medicine Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum (FMH),
    Anthroposophical Medicine training in Arlesheim


In our group practice, the three doctors will provide medical care for our health clinic guests as well as outpatients from the region and beyond.

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