Strada Collinetta 25, CH 6612 Ascona tel +41 (0)91 786 96 00
Strada Collinetta 25, CH 6612 Ascona tel +41 (0)91 786 96 00

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    By making a pledge of contribution, I commit myself to annually support Casa Andrea Cristoforo with an amount of at least . francs (can be revoked at any time).

    • Please send me a payment slip• I will transfer the amount electronically (for bank details see below)

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    Bank details: Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Genossenschaft, 4001 Basel, PC account 40-963-0
    Associazione Casa Andrea Cristoforo, Strada Collinetta 25, CH-6612 Ascona,
    IBAN-Nr. CH48 0839 2000 0005 2865 0, Zahlungszweck/ Stichwort: Friends of Casa

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